Clown World · Reviews · Society

Creed III: Diversity Pandering, with a Promise of More Diversity Pandering

I quite like the Rocky movies and think that there is not a single dud among them. Thus, I was not initially opposed to the spinoff Creed, with focuses on Adonis “Donnie” Creed, the ret-conned adopted son of Rocky’s long-time rival Apollo Creed. The first two movies in this series were quite shallow but watchable… Continue reading Creed III: Diversity Pandering, with a Promise of More Diversity Pandering

Clown World · Education

Idiocracy Rising: Dictionary Definitions

There is probably no better indicator of the intellectual decline of our culture than the status of our dictionaries and encyclopedias. The latter have completely disappeared in physical form. Their position has been taken by Wikipedia, which is constantly updated in an attempt to soil our heritage and misinform us about current events. Yet, even… Continue reading Idiocracy Rising: Dictionary Definitions


The Inside Scoop on the Tech Bros Behind ChadGPT

[Admin note: This post originally appeared on 1 April 2023 on my other blog. As it entered an indefinite maintenance period soon afterwards, I am republishing it here.] I was recently approached by a student at an American university who asked me for suggestions regarding his Bachelor’s thesis. As this person seemed naive enough, I… Continue reading The Inside Scoop on the Tech Bros Behind ChadGPT

Economics · Reviews

How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (2010) by Peter and Andrew Schiff

Basic economic understanding is sorely lacking in the general population. Seeing that a significant number of people have a very lackadaisical attitude towards money, which causes them to drastically overspend, it is little surprise that the disastrous monetary policies of much of the world’s countries are similarly misguided. The underlying theme seems to be that… Continue reading How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (2010) by Peter and Andrew Schiff