Politics · Society

Covid-19 Exposes Western Democracies as Failed States

I think we are all in agreement here that Covid-19 is massively overblown. That being said, people are dying, but the mortality rate is minuscule. Every flu kills more people than Corona-chan. However, because the elites have whipped themselves into a panic, they need to do something. That is indeed what they do: something. It’s… Continue reading Covid-19 Exposes Western Democracies as Failed States


The Past, Present, and Future of the Covid-19 PsyOps Operation

Covid-19 is some of the biggest bullshit the elites have ever pulled off. In this post, I’ll outline why. Part of it is speculative, but there is plenty of analysis as well. I am going to argue that Covid-19 is a fairly inconsequential disease. It is something much more sinister, though: psychological warfare (PsyOps)of the… Continue reading The Past, Present, and Future of the Covid-19 PsyOps Operation

Politics · Society

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Prepping as a Far-Right Activity

With the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) spreading all over the world, it is of little surprise to me that prepping has now gone mainstream. In large parts of the world, people have begun stocking up on supplies, despite the respective governments stressing that nobody needs to worry about anything because everything is under control. Our benighted… Continue reading The Covid-19 Pandemic and Prepping as a Far-Right Activity