
King’s College London’s Talent Bank proves that higher education is a bubble

The big promise of widening access to higher education in the 1970s was that people would get better jobs and make a lot more money. The leftist politicians who pushed for weakening standards to make sure that Tyrone and Jamal can get their B.A. in B.S., however, seem to have not realized that the number… Continue reading King’s College London’s Talent Bank proves that higher education is a bubble


Peak millennial stupidity: eating toxic detergents

My girlfriend and I have begun discussing how to raise children. One topic we immediately agreed on was to prevent them as far as humanly possible from interacting with undesirables. This means children from the underclass and welfare leeches, children of single mothers, and children of lefties, for starters. In earlier times, this was a… Continue reading Peak millennial stupidity: eating toxic detergents


Thoughts on Jordan Peterson (III): “Canada is great. Period.”

It’s time to continue with my series on Jordan Peterson. The next item on my long list is his sycophantic stance towards his home country. This goes so far that he even excuses his accusers. In some of his more recent videos, he justifies the backlash he received by stating that it was the correct… Continue reading Thoughts on Jordan Peterson (III): “Canada is great. Period.”


[German] Kolja Alexander Bonke: Wölfisch — eine literarische Bearbeitung des Untergangs Deutschlands

This is one of my rare posts in German, for my readers from Germany. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the language. This is a review of a book that is only available in German. Its content should be of interest to many of my readers. Die Grenzöffnung im Sommer 2015 hat sich als fatal… Continue reading [German] Kolja Alexander Bonke: Wölfisch — eine literarische Bearbeitung des Untergangs Deutschlands


Illuminatus reviews Meditation Without Bullshit

Illuminatus over at recently posted his very thorough review of Meditation Without Bullshit. Check it out! Here’s a teaser: Sleazy is an advanced meditator who has been cultivating the higher jhanas for 20 years. We did not know this about him until he wrote this book. He achieved this by himself with apparently little… Continue reading Illuminatus reviews Meditation Without Bullshit


Thoughts on Jordan Peterson (II): “Back to the Plantation, Bucko!”

One of the most glaring issues with Jordan Peterson is that he is completely oblivious with regards to how men get fucked over by contemporary Western society. Heck, he is complicit, calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”, and backpedaling after getting some backlash. Peterson’s solution for men is that they should climb “dominance hierarchies” and thus perpetuate… Continue reading Thoughts on Jordan Peterson (II): “Back to the Plantation, Bucko!”


Thoughts on Jordan Peterson (I): My Unexpected Clash With his Rabid Fans Regarding Missing Affiliate Payments

In June I posted a brief review of Jordan Peterson’s Future Authoring program on my other website, talking about my experience with it and also providing a more general assessment of it. When Jordan Peterson posted that he was looking for affiliates, I applied, got accepted, and happily put a link on my blog. There… Continue reading Thoughts on Jordan Peterson (I): My Unexpected Clash With his Rabid Fans Regarding Missing Affiliate Payments


A skeptic’s view on No Fap and Taoist semen retention

I was recently asked about my stance on ‘no fap’ as well as Taoist semen retention. Here is the question, from reader ‘shaking my head’, in full: You talk about guys with high sex-drive. What’s your take on this whole ‘no fap’ (i.e. not jerking off) or “semen retention” stuff that Taoist practitioners preach? I… Continue reading A skeptic’s view on No Fap and Taoist semen retention