Aaron S. Elias is an independent thinker, focusing on whatever subject that tickles his fancy. In general, he is interested in human follies.
Aaron works in a quantitative field in real life, which means that he is used to ideas having to withstand the impact of physical reality. Your dumb ideas just won’t work. On the other hand, smart ideas can make a lot of money, which, perhaps unfortunately, is due to efficient automation that leads to job losses. This is in stark contrast to how most of society seems to operate, which is a mixture of superstition, idealism, and stupidity.
As long as there is bullshit in the world, Aaron will keep writing.
On a side note, Aaron S. Elias has a colorful past, leading a life of utter debauchery. He is writing about that part of his life under the pseudonym Aaron Sleazy. If you are an underfucked male, then consider checking out AaronSleazy.com.