
The Vaxx is “Safe and Effective” (As a Means of Genocide)

I think only the uninformed, and the genuinely stupid, have not realized that something is seriously off with how the vaxx is pushed. We have one variant after another, yet we should still take the poison shot that was concocted as a response to the “alpha variant”. The PR push went from one shot to… Continue reading The Vaxx is “Safe and Effective” (As a Means of Genocide)


“Red Lines” in German Politics and their Connection to Ominous Forces Behind the Curtain

I am currently reading Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”, from which I have been learning a lot. Almost in passing, he discusses the problem of elite control. For instance, he presents evidence that Bill Gates, though his foundation,… Continue reading “Red Lines” in German Politics and their Connection to Ominous Forces Behind the Curtain


Cities as a Breeding Ground for Collective Delusions and Anti-Social Lifestyles

I grew up in a small, tight-knit community. This does not mean that you had no privacy or that you knew everybody living in it. Instead, it meant that you had a more immediate connection to reality. Almost everybody in the neighborhood was a productive member of society. Back in the days, banks just did… Continue reading Cities as a Breeding Ground for Collective Delusions and Anti-Social Lifestyles


Hollywood’s Shock Strategy and the Destruction of the Moral Fabric of Society

I do not have much of an interest in the garbage Hollywood produces nowadays. The one exception was the TV series Succession, the first two seasons of which I quite enjoyed. In short, this show depicts the adult children of a media mogul fighting for their share of the multi-billion dollar corporate pie of their… Continue reading Hollywood’s Shock Strategy and the Destruction of the Moral Fabric of Society


Clown World Politics: How Government, the Opposition, and the Media Cooperate

As the response of government towards Covid-19 does not make any sense at all, I have gotten more interested in the political theater. As a quick summary of the story thus far, we have a vaccination that causes serious side effects and does not even protect you against catching Covid. Regardless, you are supposed to… Continue reading Clown World Politics: How Government, the Opposition, and the Media Cooperate