
“This Means the Vaxx is Working”: The Perspective of the Elites

It is puzzling that the myriad of side effects of the vaxx, including death, get relatively little attention in mainstream media. We are also told that “breakthrough infections”, which is a euphemism for vaccine failure, are likewise not a cause for concern. All of this, we are being told, only means that the vaxx is… Continue reading “This Means the Vaxx is Working”: The Perspective of the Elites

Politics · The Working World

The Allure of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

In my last article I wrote about why politicians rather cynically fight climate change than solve real problems. This is not just a problem of politicians but of leadership, or the lack thereof, in general. In this article, I describe some of the nonsense I have witnessed in a supposedly highly objective, technical profession. I… Continue reading The Allure of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives


Why Politicians Love to Waffe about Global Warming

In Orwell’s 1984, history constantly gets rewritten. Facts that are no longer opportune to the regime continually get removed from the official record so that Eurasia has either always or never been at war with Oceania, depending on what the current story is. We have not progressed to Orwellian levels of retrograde censorship yet, but… Continue reading Why Politicians Love to Waffe about Global Warming