I find it rather amusing that now, in the third Covid winter, governments really amp up the pressure on the unvaxxed. The narrative is so nonsensical that I have a hard time understanding how there can be any support for the mainstream position at all. A lot of this crowd obviously consists of shills and bots, but there are also people who defend the Covid tyranny because they got the vaxx themselves, which now leads to the cognitive dissonance that they cannot be against something that they clearly supported by taking irreversible action.
Even though Covid was never a serious health hazard, countries got locked down, with the promise that we would be granted our freedom again if we only took the clot shot. Yet, the current narrative is that even though you got that poison injected into your body, which I hope you did not, you still get to wear masks, subject yourself to frequent testing, and, worse of all, you may still get Covid. The current claim that with the vaxx you can still get sick but not as badly is hard to verify. On an individual level, I would argue that the claim is meaningless because there is no alternative version of you. Mainly the old and frail succumb to Covid, apparently more or less regardless of vaxx status, so I do not think you can make a plausible deduction about younger, healthier people to begin with.
I find the proposition of the powers that be laughable. At first, everybody who died with Covid, determined by highly unreliable tests, was considered to have died of Covid. People who died in a car accident were Covid deaths, similarly to how, if a MENA doctor-engineer stabs you to death in Germany, you will be considered to have died of heart failure. Do you remember the horror stories coming out of Italy in 2019/2020? Those death counts have now been reduced by 97%, even though “fact checkers” sponsored by Big Pharma are quick to tell you that you need to interpret the data much differently, and their highly innumerate humanities-infected brains will tell you how.
After two years of living with this “pandemic”, according to the revised definition of the WHO, and about one year of a “vaccine”, according to the revised definition of the CDC and all downstream health agencies, the unvaxxed seem to be doing perfectly fine. If you are unvaccinated and still alive, then why would Covid now be a threat to you? Oh, right, the vaccine is not supposed to protect you but others (lol). Thus, if you are unvaxxed and get Covid, you may have no symptoms and the virus may then jump onto someone who is vaccinated and kill him. This is the biggest bullshit story the mainstream ever pushed, and that says a lot given their track record.
The numbers of “breakthrough infections” are through the roof. In some countries there are vaccination rates beyond 90%, such as in Ireland. Yet, if the vaccine is effective, then why are the mainstream metrics such as “incidents” and “hospitalizations” all up? Last year, we had much lower vaccination rates and much lower rates of hospitalizations, so is the vaxx supposed to get us hospitalized or what? Midwits love to look for correlations and claim that a causality exists, which led to “magic dirt theory” and others classics of retard-tier leftist thinking, so why don’t those mid-IQ morons conclude, but this time rightly so, that the vaxx causes increased sickness and mortality?
The current push for “booster shots” is also rather amusing. The claim is that the vaxx works, despite demonstrated reduction in efficacy over time to more or less zero, which necessitates infinity boosters. So, does the vaxx work or not? If it works, we would not need boosters but if it does not work, injecting your body with the same garbage every few months is not going to magically protect you from the sniffles either. The current vaxx apparently cannot protect you against the “delta variant”, so why would the same garbage protect you against epsilon, zeta, and all the other letters in the Greek alphabet?
If you have survived for two years without taking the vaxx, you have probably been doing something right, or maybe Covid is just not really a threat, period. Thus, why would you expose yourself to the risk of vaxx injuries? There are rather impressive compilations floating around of athletes and politicians collapsing on camera, and I guess all of this shows that the vaxx is working. This garbage vaxx is the deadliest “vaccination” that was ever concocted, and next in line will be kids, which are basically immune to Covid. We know that we will have to kill 117 kids with the vaxx to protect one Covid death. Yet, the powers that be press on and insist. It’s boosters for adults because you need boosters to maintain your status of being vaxxed, and there will be boosters for kids, too, eventually.
Of course, government is doing all of this to protect you. Never mind that we have had much worse flu outbreaks in years past that nobody cared about. There are also genuine public health risks, in a wider sense, such as opioids, obesity, fatherlessness, out-of-wedlock births, depression, limitless mass immigration (of unvaxxed third-worlders, no less), and so on, which kill many more people, directly and indirectly, than the vaxx. Why does nobody in power seem to care about that? I can tell you why: the vaxx as well as all the other ailments that have been inflicted on the population have the same goal. They wreck society. The vaxx is not a benign force, which is why you are supposed to take it, over and over and over. It all makes sense once you realize that you are being governed by a hostile elite that wants to see you depressed, maimed, dead. Oh, and you may also want to put your thinking hat on and come up with a plausible explanation for why the low vaccination rate of blacks is not seen as a problem while whites need to get a booster subscription that, presumably, only runs out once you have died of “short illness”. It must be white supremacist thinking, amirite?
Did you enjoy this article? Great! If you want to read more by Aaron, check out his excellent books, the latest of which is Meditation Without Bullshit. Aaron is available for one-on-one consultation sessions if you want honest advice. Lastly, donations for the upkeep of this site are highly appreciated.
“… so is the vaxx supposed to get us hospitalized or what? […] the vaxx as well as all the other ailments that have been inflicted on the population have the same goal. They wreck society. The vaxx is not a benign force, which is why you are supposed to take it, over and over and over. It all makes sense once you realize that you are being governed by a hostile elite that wants to see you depressed, maimed, dead.”
Just to realize this very fact is alreaday beyond most normies’ thinking and reasoning capabilities. They have been so thoroughly brainwashed, particularly with relativism and consumerist solipsism, that it is utterly impossible for them to accept this liberating epiphany. The hypnosis and the effects of collective mass hysteria are just too strong.
My continued reasoning is, that this “full spectrum dominance” mass terror against Western caucasian populations is born out of malthusian philosophy and technocrat transhumanist plans for the future. This can be found described in many details in the books of the Huxleys, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Rusell, Carroll Quigley, but also in Klaus schwab’s “works”. One just needs to read them, even cursory reading will suffice. These plans and concepts are very much out in the open. But the public has been blinded and misled, so they are incapable of putting 2+2 together. This, of course, is an ancient occult principle: hiding secrets (or plans) right in front of your very eyes.
There is even more to say about this (“Why the heck is the technocratic elite of materialist modernity so obsessed with the occult?”), but suffice to say this: The elite view this as a test and as a form of judgement (“fatum”). If you can see through all of this bullshit then they cannot really harm you (of course, they will do nothing to help you come to the right, lucid conclusion!). But if you buy into this and follow willingly, then you brought all of this mayhem and misfortune proactively upon yourself, and then you literally DESERVE to get fucked, to be depressed, to get maimed, and to die eventually. This too is full fledged occult thinking and plotting. But good luck trying to explain that to your normie living next door to you! 🙂
Just to add to Sleazy’s observation, that “If you have survived for two years without taking the vaxx, you have probably been doing something right, or maybe Covid is just not really a threat, period.” – I’d say this:
If you are still unvaxxed you literally survived the biggest PsyOp in all of human history! Things like these don’t “just happen”. They are being planned well in advance. So it is safe to assume, that (((they))) elaborated on such an evil plan at least for decades (if not much longer). Does anyone actually realize how much time, resources AND effort they put into this? They studied all the possible ways to enslave your mind and make youtake the vaxx. They tried to demoralize you by corrupting society at every possible level. They tried to villify, desensitize and weaken your mind with porn. They tried to lure you with money, ridicolous gifts and absurd rewards. They tried to confuse you, making you doubt your own reality and identity. They tried to make you actively trample on your own principles, values and ethics. They even turned your close ones against you! Almost everyone fell for it. Almost all of them cucked in. But not you! Just realize how much bullshit you went through and overcame. You never cucked. You are still unvaxxed. Their tricks didn’t work on you. You are still pure blood. So to all the unvaxxed out there I say to you guys: “Cheers, gentlemen! Stay based and enjoy life!” 🙂
Did you paraphrase the text below?
Yes, I did! I liked it quite a lot.
I’m still unvaxxed. That said, I have considered taking the Johnson and Johnson one, and dosing on Ivermectin to get it out of my body. They’ll keep coming with the boosters though. Best just to steer clear.
The FDA would like to release the data it used for the emergency approval of the Pfizer vaxx by 2076. This is not a typo. Source here:
Quite frankly, if you have as much as a sliver of trust left in government, you are a bona fide idiot. There is no point sugarcoating anything anymore. The vaxx can potentially kill you so in order to assuage the population, the FDA should have released all data immediately. Instead, they would like to hide the skeletons in their closet for another 55 years. The majority of you will be dead by then, even without the Covid kill shot.
“Quite frankly, if you have as much as a sliver of trust left in government, you are a bona fide idiot. There is no point sugarcoating anything anymore.”
This is so crucial to understand! We not only live in a world administrated by demonic psychopaths who are literally hell-bent on destroying and eventually killing us off for good.
We also live in a world inhabitated mainly by complete morons, by BONA FIDE IDIOTS. And the higher the level of “formal education” the higher the correlating level of”bona fide idiocy”.
To blindly believe and obey goverment/mass media/corporate directives is nothing else but acting in a grossly negligent manner. Austrian commentator Gerald Grosz has a great piece on this, you can watch it here:
Unfortunately due to the country I reside in, my employer and the government, those considered ‘essential workers’ are forced to take the vaxx and provide evidence of a second dose by December 10th. This is under threat of losing our job. Hundreds of workers have quit across multiple industries due to this. It is well and truly dire when you have your freedom of choice removed over a critical health consequence. 10 years ago I would have never thought it possible. Now I won’t be surprised by anything. Orwell is turning in his grave.
I got the first Pfizer jab a few days ago. Obviously haven’t dropped dead yet, but it’ll be a long time before I stop ruminating over the long-term ramifications of it. The worst thing about it is that if you happen to be the 1 out of 100 who suffers a heart complication from the inflammation, you’re hung out to dry due to providing ‘informed consent.’ Apparently, in 2021, this is the new terminology we’re using for ‘forced compliance.’ What’s more disturbing, furthermore, is the grotesque amount of NPC’s that blindly get vaxx’ed without question and without even considering why being coerced under threat of job termination might not be such a good thing when you supposedly live in a free, democratic world.