Meditation Without Bullshit is now available on Amazon. You’ll find links to the product pages on Amazon as well as the back cover text and the table of contents on page for Meditation Without Bullshit on this website.
I hope you’ll enjoy this book!
Isn’t it time that you made the ebook available?
Surely now, you’ll mention global free delivery by but remember that, its highly unreliable for me at least and the timing of delivery is laughable there. Amazon is not far behind in that regard either.
You can also order the book via a local bookstore if you give them the ISBN.
The way I see it, I have to wait an eternity for the book to arrive on snail mail type methods, provided my local bookstore doesn’t steal money or, I wait for the ebook to be released. Either way I have to wait.
I may release a Kindle ebook at some point in the future.